ARMR Purchasing Terms and Conditions
Wrap Fresh ARMR Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions only apply to ARMR PPF product purchasing. For Wrap Fresh's complete Terms and Conditions, please see Wrap Fresh Terms of Service. In consideration of the covenants and agreements contained in this Purchase Agreement the parties to this Agreement agree as follows:
ARMR Terms of Sale
The Seller and the Buyer both acknowledge the sufficiency of this consideration. In addition to the Purchase Price specified in this Agreement, the amount of any present or future use, excise, or similar tax applicable to the sale of the Goods will be paid by the Buyer, or alternatively, the Buyer will provide the Seller with a tax exemption certificate acceptable to the applicable taxing authorities. The Purchase Price is inclusive of sales tax, and is payable by the Buyer unless the Buyer provides the Seller with a tax exemption certificate acceptable to the applicable taxing authorities, in which case the amount of sales tax will be subtracted from the Purchase Price payable by the Buyer.
Additional Provisions
The Authorized ARMR Installer approval is reserved for qualified registered installers deemed worthy of the exclusivity by at the discretion of Wrap Fresh. Any resale of ARMR films outside these guidelines is prohibited and purchase rights will be revoked. The installer assumes the responsibility of communicating these covenants to the customer prior to installation.
ARMR PPF Shipping Terms
Please see ARMR PPF Shipping Terms
ARMR PPF Color Lots Terms
Please see ARMR PPF Color Lots Terms
ARMR PPF Warranty Information
Please see ARMR PPF Warranty Information
ARMR PPF Returns and Refunds Policy
Please see ARMR PPF Returns and Refunds